21 Profitable Blog Niche Examples: What Makes for a Successful Blog Niche? Here are 21 (real) profitable blog niche examples and ideas to show you it’s possible to generate an audience and business in many different industries—and we’ll walk through a specific example of each of these, below. This blog niche list will help you find the types of blogs that make money, along with examples of blogs that make money in each niche. Certain blogging niches are profitable because they share two certain characteristics. We are going to talk about what those two characteristics are so that you can evaluate the profitability of a niche, and be. Here are the top 7 awesome ways to make good money blogging: 1. Online Courses and Workshops. Here at Smart Blogger, we make most of our income from online courses and workshops — over $1 million per year — but we are far from the only ones.
- Blogging For Cash: 2017's Best Blog Niches 2019
- Blogging For Cash: 2017's Best Blog Niches 2020
- Blogging For Cash: 2017's Best Blog Niches 2017
- Blogging For Cash: 2017's Best Blog Niches List
10+ Best Niches to Earn Money with your Blog: The popularity of blogging has grown a lot in recent years and we all want to know which are the niches to make money. Some you could use as a hobby, but others represent a profitable business opportunity.
The most important thing is to choose the right niche. If you don’t talk about a popular topic, then you won’t attract an audience.
10+ Best Niches to Earn Money with your Blog
If you want to open a blog and monetize it or if you already have one but the income is minimal or non-existent, you will be interested in knowing the problems of the most profitable 10+ Best Niches to Earn Money with your Blog.
1. Diet and Nutrition
Most of us have health as one of our priorities, and every day there are more and more people committed to weight loss. Educating or offering useful advice on this topic can make you earn a lot of money.
You don’t need to be a nutritionist to create a profitable blog. It is more about offering support information, recipes and being able to create a community that allows you to interact with your audience.
How to make money from a nutrition blog
It is a bit difficult to be able to make money with this niche because people are generally not looking to buy things, they just want recipes or advice. The best approach is to create a large audience and use ads to complement the business.
To earn money from your diet blog, you should try to offer useful information that meets some requirements:
- Show that you understand the challenges and tests of dieting.
- Recommend products that are proven to work.
- Allow others to comment and share their thoughts.
Previous personal experiences with dieting can go a long way in writing articles, but basing them on various scientific studies is very important in demonstrating to your audience why your advice works.
In general, nutrition blogging can be profitable as long as you provide people with what they need. You should also generate content for people with special dietary needs, such as gluten-free or vegan diets.
2. Training and exercises
Exercise goes hand in hand with diet, so you can guarantee that there are many people who want advice on exercise routines and fitness. Exercising is necessary to keep fit, and in today’s economy, people are looking for solutions to train at home and get the same results that a gym offers.
It is not necessary to be a personal trainer to start an exercise blog, but you must know the different training techniques suitable for people. Remember that most blogs are run by personal trainers or gyms, so your content should stand out.
A great way to monetize your blog is to develop it for a specific group. For example, moms trying to get in shape or professionals with little free time.
How to earn money with a fitness blog
This can be a tricky niche because although you can get a lot of traffic, it’s hard to make money if you don’t know what to do.
A good strategy to start earning money is affiliate marketing. This is based on the fact that your audience is looking for solutions to a problem and placing a link to a product that worked for you can help you make money.
Keep in mind that to make money from an exercise blog, you need to think about these key things:

- Show your passion for fitness and excite your readers with exercise.
- Don’t make money a priority because you’re likely to end up promoting products you don’t believe in.
- Focus on providing quality content and engaging your readers all the time.
3. Health
Starting a blog based on physical or mental health issues can be a brilliant idea. In this niche, you can develop a large number of articles that help you build a profitable blog. Unlike other topics where the content of your blog will be aimed at a smaller audience, the interest in health is universal, so it will allow you to target a larger audience.
In addition, the different governments of the world are finally recognizing the impact that mental health problems can have on the population. This topic is no longer considered taboo and friends, family and patients seek advice on a daily basis.
How to make money with a health blog
As in the nutrition blog, in the health blog you should pay close attention if the content you provide to your audience will benefit them positively.You can also highlight by following these tips:
Write about personal experiences.
Listen to the experiences that people in your audience want to share.
Motivate and advise family and friends.
Remember to be careful with affiliate marketing. Before recommending a product, you should make sure that it will be useful to your audience.
4. Tutorials for writing a blog
If you have a successful blog or know a lot about marketing, you have a chance to make a lot of money by teaching other people to build their own blog.
Many people are determined to start a blog, but not everyone has the skills and knowledge to do so successfully. Offering advice on this topic can be very helpful for your audience.
Blogging For Cash: 2017's Best Blog Niches 2019
How to make money with a tutorial blog.
Consider adding the following topics to your blog to increase traffic and profits:
- What is and how to use SEO
- Themes and platforms for bloggers
- Tutorials for choosing content
5. Personal finances
Many people are looking to save money, making personal finance a very popular topic today. Only people who earn a lot of money have the ability to pay financial advisors, others have to find a way to save online.
If you’re good at saving money, perhaps the niche for your blog is financial planning. You can write about the different options to invest or explain how the stock market works. Your audience will surely appreciate your advice.
How to make money with a personal finance blog
These tips will help you take advantage of your blog:
- Give some suggestions on how investments work.
- Determine the type of audience you want to capture. They can be everyday people or professionals on the subject.
- Think about whether your experience makes you the right person to offer financial advice.
- Always use sources that are recognized and support your recommendations.
Please note that the main methods of generating income include affiliate marketing, teaching courses, or selling products.
6. Fashion and beauty
Yes, it is true that there are many fashion blogs, but why not start one? People love fashion and always want more content on different trends. In addition, men have become more interested in the subject.
The only problem is that the beginning is very hard. While most niches rely on perfectly written articles, fashion and beauty blogs require you to have an outgoing personality and constantly expose yourself to social gatherings.
How to earn money with a fashion blog
- Make sure you are updated with the latest fashion trends. The success of your blog depends on how valuable your advice is.
- Remember that not everyone has a lot of money to spend. Take the opportunity to show inexpensive alternatives to designer clothing.
- Use affiliate link for clothing and always include accessories.
If you have the capital, consider selling your own merchandise.
7. Sewing
Sewing may seem like an old-fashioned theme, however, it is becoming increasingly popular because it allows you to stimulate the creativity of your audience. It also helps that pinterest has developed a great community looking for tips and ideas.
Many people of all ages have been drawn to this niche, so if you have the experience and creativity for cutting and sewing, start your blog and teach others.
How to make money with a sewing blog
- It is not necessary that you create a blog about very complicated patterns or the different types of fabrics that exist. Just show your audience how they can sew items that make them stand out.
- Consider adding videos showing the sewing process. The photos will also be very attractive and will bring people back.
- Sell your original patterns online. Affiliate marketing can make you money, but the profits are higher from selling your own products.
8. Pet fashion
We have all seen photos of celebrities with their pets dressed and groomed, so many people are motivated to do so too. The pet clothing and accessories market is huge and very profitable, but very few people base their blog on this niche.
Shirts, dresses and jackets are some of the products available for pets. The only problem is that people don’t know who to ask for advice on how to dress their favorite animal.
Keep in mind that everyone loves their pet, so they will always look for ways to make them look prettier.
How to make money from a pet fashion niche
Getting started can be a bit tricky in this niche, but you could increase visits by inviting readers of another blog to visit yours. Also, you could allow guest articles on your blog.
Affiliate marketing could make you a profit. However, since the supply of pet clothing is so large, it is very likely that companies want to join your blog to increase their sales.
Different themes in this niche could be:
- How to dress your pet
- Dresses for special occasions.
- Make sure that your pet is comfortable with his clothes.
9. Tips for couples
Every relationship can go through difficult times. Infidelity, deceit, loss of communication or interest.
It is important to note that not everyone can afford couples therapy, which is why many couples seek advice online.
Also, you could target your content for women, men or both. Perhaps the competition is less if you target your blog content to men in a relationship.
How to make money with a blog of tips for couples.
- Offer courses on how to improve your connection with your partner. You could make a lot of money and put together an email list.
- Promote self-help books or even your advice based on your own experiences.
- Sell your own book with tips and ways to succeed in a relationship.
- Invite your audience to send opinions or suggestions for topics to develop.
10. How to get pregnant
If you do a quick google search, you will see that there are a lot of blogs that talk about pregnancy and very few on how to get pregnant.
Offering a blog with tips for getting pregnant can make you a lot of money. You just have to make sure you have certified and very valuable information about the different ways of conceiving a child.
How to make money with a blog about conception.
- Always prioritize writing quality content.
- Share your experience and use it as inspiration for others.
- Seek contributions from your audience and share their experience.
- Offers advice on the latest fertilization techniques. Always remember to back up
- information with scientific articles and statistics.
Using affiliate marketing can be dangerous, because you could promote products that do not work. If you decide to use affiliate links, remember to notify your audience that their effectiveness is not guaranteed.

11. Blog for inventors
Many of us at some point have thought of inventing something and becoming millionaires. The problem is that we don’t know how and where to start.
If you are an engineer or have previously made money with your inventions, you could earn extra income with an inventor tips blog. Topics could vary greatly, from how to design your own plans to the type of material you could buy and where to find it.
How to make money with a blog for inventors.
You could promote products through affiliate marketing. However, since this is a specialized niche you can get more out of it by offering a subscription service.
In summary, there are many niches to earn money with your blog. It’s just a matter of finding one that you can fit with and that you can enhance.
Now that we have already shared (10+ Best Niches to Earn Money with your Blog) with you and discussed the best niche markets at the moment, it is time for you to share your opinion with us.
What do you think of these niche (10+ Best Niches to Earn Money with your Blog) markets? How can you use these niche markets to make money online? Leave us a comment with your opinion below.
Poetry has been around for centuries. The way it embodies meaning, sound, and rythm elicits awareness and varying emotional responses.
It has been spoken and sung before the time of paper and pen. And now, poetry has become a relevant niche for blogs. It is a versatile form of literature and is continuously carried over through innovations and evolutions. Poetry blogs brings longetivity to this literary art, increasing its visibility and sparking interest from the online community.
List of the Top Poetry Blogs on the Internet Today
There’s a diverse pool of poetry blogs out there and we’ve picked out the best performing blogs on the internet. If you’d also like to set-up your own poetry blog, you could gain more insights and ideas by checking them out.
The Poetry Foundation, publisher of Poetry magazine, is an independent literary organization committed to a vigorous presence for poetry in our culture. It exists to discover and celebrate the best poetry and to place it before the largest possible audience. The Poetry Foundation works to raise poetry to a more visible and influential position in our culture. The Foundation seeks to be a leader in shaping a receptive climate for poetry by developing new audiences, creating new avenues for delivery, and encouraging new kinds of poetry.
It was established in 2003 upon receipt of a major gift from philanthropist Ruth Lilly. The gift from Ruth Lilly allowed the Poetry Foundation to expand and enhance the presence of poetry in the United States and established an endowment that will fund Poetry magazine in perpetuity.
The Poetry Project is a forum for public literary events and a resource for writers. It was founded in the summer of 1966 as a direct successor to, and continuation of, the various coffeehouse reading series that had flourished on the Lower East Side since 1960.

Blogging For Cash: 2017's Best Blog Niches 2020
The first of these, at the Tenth Street Coffeehouse on the gallery block between Third and Fourth Avenues, moved to Les Deux Mégots on East Seventh Street in 1962.
Write Out Loud is an international hub for participation in poetry, encouraging everyone who writes poetry, from still-too-nervous-poets to Nobel Prize winner, to share their words with others.
The Write Out Loud website has been around since 2005. It is unique in what it brings together, and what it offers to their members. Here you’ll find their unparallelled news section, covering news from publishers, poets, events, gig reviews and book reviews, their gig guide (where you can find out what’s happening near you) and, of course, their blogs (where you can post your work, and read and comment on the work posted by others).
Eat This Poem launched in January 2012 by Nicole Gulotta as a way to fuse two of her passions, food and writing. On this blog, you’ll explore how poetry moves from page to plate, and inspires your palates along the way.
In addition to recipe and poetry pairings, you’ll also find musings on writing, cooking, creativity, motherhood, and embracing the simple things. More nourishment can be found here, where she supports writers to design a sustainable writing practice.
Like all the best poetry, Magma is always surprising. Every issue of Magma has a different editor, it could be either members of their board or a prominent poet acting as a guest editor. It’s that fresh eye in each issue which gives Magma its unique variety.
Their aim is to promote the very best in contemporary poetry. Poetry that’s alert to the world we live in, that’s honest and above all, unexpected. It may come from previously unpublished or emerging poets or the more established.
They make a point of including unknown poets alongside known names, and they’ve published Seamus Heaney, Don Paterson, Sean O’Brien, Alice Oswald, Al Alvarez, Wendy Cope, George Szirtes, Gillian Clarke, John Burnside and Mark Doty among many others.
Blogging For Cash: 2017's Best Blog Niches 2017
Free Minds uses books, creative writing, and peer support to awaken DC youth incarcerated as adults to their own potential.Through creative expression, job readiness training, and violence prevention outreach, these young poets achieve their education and career goals, and become powerful voices for change in the community. Their vision is that every young inmate receives the necessary tools, inspiration and community support to pursue education and follow a positive new path in life.
Poets United is a community for poets who blog. Their goal is to unite poets from all walks of life that are found in the blogosphere and to provide an active and supportive community. They each write poetry for their own personal reasons and one of those reasons is to share your poetry with others.

This is a place to explore and share the art of poetry. If you are looking to participate in a community with others like you then you have found the right place.Make yourself at home and enjoy everything their community has to offer. They are all about their members and the community.
This blog is strictly about rhyming poems. Not just any rhyming poem, but creative, awesome, beautiful and simple to understand rhyming poems. It is comprised of poems the blog owner have written over time and poems other people have written and submitted to me.
The primary aim of this blog is to serve or entertain other poem or rhyme lovers out there and also share these poems with the world instead of just locking them up inside the drawer forever. The bigger aim of the blog is to create a very large collection of new creative poems ranging from different category like Love poems, heartbroken, crush, birthday, life, relationship poems and other categories.
Discursive Poetry is a weekly poetry and ideas podcast available on the iTunes podcast app and on the blog.The podcasts are just a few minutes long. You could have a listen for free, and if you enjoy them you can subscribe to the podcast and share it with your friends.
In December of 2011, Poetry Breakfast started serving a new poem every morning.Their kitchen was busy with lots of masterpieces ready to be served, dozens of poets offered their best dishes, and people who visited their blog were well fed.
Poems are hand picked daily by the editor to insure they are fresh and delicious.If you are interested in having your poems added to their menu, you can check out their submission Guidelines. Their goal is to give poets the exposure and credit they deserve.This includes nominating outstanding work to both the Best of the Net and Pushcart Prize.
Trish Hopkinson is a poet, blogger, and advocate for the literary arts. You can find her online at Selfish Poet and provisionally in Utah, where she runs the regional poetry group Rock Canyon Poets and folds poems to fill Poemball machines for Provo Poetry.
Her poetry has been published in several lit mags and journals, including Tinderbox, Glass Poetry Press, and The Penn Review; Lithic Press published her third chapbook Footnote in 2017, and Yavanika Press published her most recent e-chapbook Almost Famous in 2019.
Blogging For Cash: 2017's Best Blog Niches List
Diane Lockward lives and writes poetry in New Jersey. She is the author of four full-length poetry collections, most recently The Uneaten Carrots of Atonement. Her earlier books are Temptation by Water (Wind Pub, 2010), What Feeds Us, which received the 2006 Quentin R. Howard Poetry Prize, and Eve’s Red Dress. Diane is also the editor of The Practicing Poet: Writing Beyond the Basics, The Crafty Poet: A Portable Workshop, and The Crafty Poet II.
Her poems appear in several anthologies such as Garrison Keillor’s Good Poems for Hard Times and such journals as Harvard Review, Spoon River Poetry Review, and Prairie Schooner.
Diane’s poems have also been featured on Poetry Daily, Verse Daily, Ted Kooser’s American Life in Poetry, and The Writer’s Almanac. She is the founder, editor, and publisher of Terrapin Books, a small press for poetry books.
Winnie is a poet, amateur photographer, sunrise, and dream chaser. She has been writing uplifting prose for quite a long time, and she is delighted to share her work with you. She uses her blog, Motivation Effect, to inspire and motivate you to live your purpose and chase your dreams.
On her blog, you will discover lots of Motivational poems about overcoming life’s challenges and short inspirational poems to get you enthused about life, business, relationship, marriage, alongside beautiful photographs.
Megha is the mother of a smart and energetic nine-year-old. She has started expressing herself creatively since 2017. Since then, she has been continuously inspired by events in her life, which have helped her in penning her thoughts.
Megha is an avid reader, loves to sing, an ardent lover of poetry, and sometimes can scribble a few lines too. She used to work in the IT field for almost a decade as a manager. During that busy schedule, she never got the time to express her thoughts creatively. But, now, it fills her with so much happiness and excitement to share poetry with the world through her blog, Megha World.
Poems and Poetry
The blog owner, Guy Farmer, started this site because he understands how hard it is to get one’s work noticed, and he wanted to allow talented poets to be published online. His goal is to have this website be an inclusive, friendly place where poets can submit, read, and comment on poetry.
His writing is usually about original contemporary Poetry about the human condition. Guy Farmer initially started this site to share his poetry with the world. However, it has gradually grown into a forum where thoughtful poets worldwide can showcase their work.
Michael Karl Ritchie is a retired Professor of English at Arkansas Tech University. He has had three small press chapbook publications [Closing Down The Hearth, O-2 Press 1983; For Those In The Know, Caterpillar Press 1976; Night Blindness, La Huerta Press 1976] and work published in various small press magazines, including Gihon River Review, The Salt River Review, Nebula, The Mississippi Review, Margie, OR Panthology – Ocellus Reseau, The Red Earth Review, and The Arkansas Literary Forum.
SPACESHIP involves collaboration with Blog-designer and artist Michelle McKinney, who often selects images and videos in reaction to poems written by Michael Karl (Ritchie). However, at times, Dr. Mike also picks images and You-Tube Videos to upload. Consequently, authorship is being undermined in this collaboration across gender, race, and age. McKinney refers to these pieces as “poetic Jenga.”
Nichole Nichole deals with day to day reality through poetry and self-expression. Her writing will motivate you, inspire you, and make you think. Her writing will make you laugh, cry, get mad, and also feel good where you can relate to something.
Nichole Nichole enjoys writing poetry and short stories, mainly inspired by a love for nature and an appreciation of the value and preciousness of life. To see what she’s been up to, browse her site, learn about her passion, and explore her writing. She writes about day to day Reality either through poems, short rants, or self-expression writing! Nichole Nichole updates her blog once a week!
C.M. Rivers grew up reading books to the sound of rain on the roof in Oregon’s Willamette Valley. He’s the author of the poetry collection How To Carry Soup (Homebound Publications 2020). His poetry has appeared in literary magazines and journals across the United States and in England and has been nominated twice for the Pushcart Prize.
He is a student of practices: writing, cooking, and yoga. Inspired by the confluence of surprising revelation with the seemingly mundane, his poetry has appeared in various literary magazines and online journals, and has been nominated twice for a Pushcart Prize. He is surrounded by stacks of manuscripts poetry, fiction, children’s stories, and essays.
Daryush Acharya writes the contents on this blog. He is an entrepreneur and lover of short poems known by several names like a short poem, micro poem, monostich poem, and many more.
This blog is all about short poems, from love to heartbreak, from gothic to paranormal. Poems are written in-short and categorized by Dark Poem, Romance, Philosophy, and many more. The poems in this blog will make sense to the reader in their understanding, as it will vary from people to people. That’s what makes short poems exceptionally special.
JotNrot is a blog to publish some rhymes, words, and the occasional short snapshot or story to express intentions that missed their mark or couldn’t find another outlet.
The blog is a collection of poems about many different things, love, hate, good and bad, politics, mental health, society, war emotion, and personal trauma. All words and images, unless otherwise stated, are original works by the author of this blog.
How to Get Started with Your Own Poetry Blog

Whether you’re a writer, a literary critic, or a publisher, you’ll be able to reap many benefits from having your own blog. However, it is essential to have a good strategy to dodge avoidable first-time blogger mistakes.
So, what do you need to do? Here’s a quick guide.
First, choose a domain name. It can be poetry related or it can also be something that defines you. You may also be able to find inspiration from your favorite book, favorite author, or even your best poem.
Next, choose a cost-effective and reliable hosting plan. For this, we highly recommend Bluehost. We have a great relationship with them, so they offer our readers a 60% discount on hosting and a free domain with their hosting plan.
Just click the image below to sign up and start building your blog today!
To learn more about the blog setup and content creation process, be sure to visit our main page tutorial at blogging.org.