How To Be A Great Student...thoughtfull English

  1. How To Be A Great Student..thoughtfull English Dictionary
  2. How To Be A Great Student..thoughtfull English Learning
  3. How To Be A Great Student..thoughtfull English Subtitles
  4. How To Be A Great Student..thoughtfull English Dub
The following tips for students will present you some very helpful tips on how to study effectively and help you to advance your time in college or university and increase your motivation to study.

Thoughtful asian woman touching her chin - download this royalty free Stock Photo in seconds. No membership needed. Either buy a notebook or dedicate a file on your cell phone or computer to your English learning experience. Every time you learn a new, important word, add it to your log, along with a definition and and example, if possible. You can also write other experiences in English if you want more writing practice.

Let’s start with the very first student tip: Take a second and close your eyes. Imagine yourself sitting in your classroom or lecture hall and try to focus your attention on your classmates and fellow students. Just think a bit about their different attitudes towards college and university. You will notice that every one of them has a completely different mindset about the term “studying” in general. Here are some general stereotypes:
  • As you are reading these lines you should have made some thoughts about the purpose you attend college/university and have found some goals that motivate you! Great! Now once you have found some goals you can steadily try to pursue these goals and finally attempt to reach them! One of your goals could be that you want to enroll yourself at a respectable university. In order to accomplish this goal, you might have to overcome some obstacles, such as subjects that you dislike (for example math). I have made the experience that it can be really helpful to overcome these obstacles by visualizing the reasons you want to succeed even in subjects you do not like that much; or rather the reason you need to succeed even in these subjects. Clarify yourself the greater good that you will accomplish by becoming successful even in subjects that you do not like! I for myself hated math all my life long. I simply couldn’t find a reason that math could be helpful for my professional life; especially given the fact that some genius had invented a calculator. My attitude sabotaged myself as I rather asked myself the question, “Why do I have to study for this stupid subject”, than asking myself “What can I do to improve my math skills?”Student...thoughtfull

    When I went to university I quickly noticed some huge differences to school and college. The advantage of school was that my teachers clearly explained the topic; answered questions and set a clear focus on the teaching material that was being tested in the exams. University was totally different: it just felt like it was the aim of all of my professors to flood us with as much information as they could. None of them seemed to care if we understood what they were talking or not. University requires you to categorize the information you are confronted with in every discipline from “very important – relevant for exams” up to “unimportant information – not relevant for my exam”. The students that are able to make a distinction between all the important information and the useless stuff have an advantage as they save time while studying and can better concentrate on the important things. I had a discipline at university that required us to calculate different statistics in the exam and the professor was impolite enough to focus all his lectures on defining hundreds of statistical definitions. Now, the logical conclusion for me was to focus my attention on calculating and making different exercises for the exams, rather than trying to memorize every definition, what some of my fellow students did. Plainly spoken: they wasted their time.

    How To Be A Great Student..thoughtfull English Dictionary

    At the beginning of each term some professors will point out the focus of their lectures and exams, such as “Everything I say in my lectures is relevant for your exams”, “I will hand you out my manuscript that covers all my topics of my lectures” or simply “Read this book from X. Everything in there is relevant for your exams!”. The statements of your professors will help you to evaluate the lectures you need to be present (both spiritually and physically) because they are critical and those that you don’t necessarily have to visit as they might even be trivial. Ditch those classes that feel like a waste of time that you could invest for something more effective, especially if the professor just follows his script, word for word.Always have a clear aim in sightThe second aspect would be to reclaim time during your classes, every time a professor starts to deviate from the topic or starts to babble. I personally enjoyed it when some of my professors started to integrate some real-life experiences into their lectures, as they were interesting or really funny. Unfortunately, other professors were known for starting to babble about nerdy conventions and other unrelated topics without making an important point, so I could focus my attention on more important things, rather than getting bored by them. Sit in the back and do your homework, work on assignments or whatever makes more sense than listening to pointless stories or the geeky chat of your professor.

    I can hardly stress out all the positive effects that you can achieve by networking at college or university in this article, but be assured that they are enormous. The rule of thumb to be a networking genius is to simply be a social guy with an open mindset. Networking was very effective for me as I was able to accumulate important information and tips about exams from students that were some terms in front of me, some gave me their copies of previous exams, etc. etc. Here is where you can network: Be the head of the classYou are afraid of being responsible for your fellow students, too shy or simply lazy to take the “extra work” that you think is associated with this task? Well, you are not the only one that thinks so, quite frankly: most of your fellow students have similar thoughts about the tasks and duties of the head of the class. Make use of this advantage and become head of your class! You will be amazed of the positive side effects of being the head of your class!
    Get in touch with professionals and companies that join the student-conventions of your university. This helps you to get in touch with important people and make some good connections.

    How To Be A Great Student..thoughtfull English Learning

    Photo by BdwayDiva1Have these five tips helped you to get a clearer picture of what really matters during your studies?

    How To Be A Great Student..thoughtfull English Subtitles

    Being a Good Student

    How To Be A Great Student..thoughtfull English Dub

    How To Be A Great Student...thoughtfull English

    The life of a student is a combination of joy and challenges because there are requirements in school that need to be fulfilled, but it is also a place where things can be learned. Aside from this, students will gain friends while they are at school and they can either help or pull down the student. This is why they need to choose their peers wisely and who they hang out with can influence the time they have for school. They will experience confusion and sometimes, especially the teenagers, are prone to listening to their friends more than their parents. Teaching their child to know the difference between right and wrong will help them in the long run. If students stay out of trouble, get good grades, and behave well in school, they will be fine.

    It is a reality that not everyone is interested in school and will work hard to do well because others will prefer to just pass the course and finish. This is going to depend on where their interest is because some students will not excel in every subject, but they will do well in extra-curricular activities. While being a good student is mostly about grades, the organizations they get involved in or team sports are both factors that can help a student get a spot in a good school. Aside from their studies, schools also look at how the student can contribute to the school spirit. For instance, if someone is exceptionally good in basketball, other schools may offer a scholarship as long as he or she plays for the school and help them win. Although, they still need to maintain a passing grade in order to keep their place in the school.

    If a student wants to impress employers when they are applying for a job, he or she needs to focus on their grades, especially in difficult subjects. Even if it is not all life skills are taught in school and how someone will deal with the real world, their grades still serve as basis for what they can do in life. There are successful people who were not excellent in school or were too smart for their own good and end up doing something unique that will make them a lot of money.

    The point is that, if someone wants to be a good student, they should make grades a priority and not let any bad influence get in their way. If a student gets dragged into drugs or what their peers want to do, no matter how smart he or she is, their grades will be affected. However, it is not only in school that they may experience distractions because there are those who are not lucky with their home life. Family conflicts like the divorce of parents or sibling rivalry will have an impact on the performance of a person in school. If they are not able to study or complete their school tasks at home, this can be a reason for someone not to finish on time. It is also one of the reasons why some will gravitate towards their peers no matter how bad they are.

    This is why being a good student should be about knowing how to overcome distractions and sticking to the goal.