New User Introduction

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  1. New User Introduction App
  2. Reddit New User Introduction
  3. New User Introduction Software
  4. New User Introduction Pdf

“Hey, Team! Let me introduce you to . . . ” While new employee introductions may seem simple, the impact they can have makes them vital to the health and culture of your team.

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First, you instill the feeling that your new colleague is valued from their very first day. Then, current staff members are kept up-to-date when new team members arrive, speeding up the introduction phase, and helping them integrate more socially, and with greater speed.

In this article, you’ll learn why new employee introductions are so important, and what you should include when you send them out. You should look at it as part of your overall onboarding process, which Personio can help optimize with an entire range of features (click here to learn more about that).


Why Do New Employee Introductions Matter?
When Should a New Employee Introduction Be Done in Writing or in Person?
How Do You Start Writing A New Employee Introduction Email?

Templates To Improve Every HR Process

Introductory email templates are a fantastic place to start, but they are surely not the only process where HR could use some assistance. That’s why we have put together a host of templates, to help you ensure that every process is as streamlined and repeatable as possible.

Feel free to click on any of the following to check out after you’ve read this post:

  • Job requirements templates to ensure you’re seeking out the ideal applicants.

We hope you enjoy downloading any of these complimentary resources. Now, back to our task at hand…

Why Do New Employee Introductions Matter?

A new workplace, new tasks, and new colleagues: The first day of a new job can bring with it an absolute flurry of changes.

That’s why this phase of onboarding for HR is so important. New colleagues need to be integrated into the team, quickly, all while conveying a sense of belonging to keep spirits high.

Here are three reasons why new employee introduction emails are so crucial:

1. Employees Are More Satisfied and Motivated Right from the Start


A warm reception sets the stage for the rest of the onboarding process.

It signals to newcomers that, in your company, people treat each other with respect, show interest in one another, and are valued. This helps to increase employee motivation right from the beginning.

2. Social Integration Is Sped Up

Feeling accepted by your new colleagues is one of the most critical aspects of onboarding. So, being able to quickly integrate them into the team helps new employees establish an internal network right away.

From there, they can immediately feel a tangible sense of connection with their new colleagues. The more people feel accepted, the more productive they become. That’s because they feel more comfortable asking questions and are ready to perform at their best much more quickly.

3. They Enhance Your Corporate Image

A decisive advantage comes with the perfect start. Your employees will be even more pleased to have joined your company – and this will contribute to your reputation as a best-in-class employer.

In a best-case scenario, new employees will even share their positive experiences with their friends or post them to sites like Glassdoor. This kind of positive feedback can be invaluable for your corporate image.

When Should a New Employee Introduction Be Done in Writing or in Person?

There are many different ways to handle new employee introductions. The general rule of thumb is that the closer the collaboration with colleagues, the more personal the introduction.

The first order of business is to introduce new employees to their own teams. For good reason, these should always be done in person and in as much depth as possible.

After all, these are the people the new employee will be working with most closely. This is a bond that needs to be nurtured from day one. This is also true for colleagues from other departments that will frequently interact with your new employee.

To a certain degree, a personal introduction to all of the other employees is also appropriate. This should include a tour of the company, where you show all new employees how to find their way around the offices and where you can quickly introduce them to the other teams.

In addition, if you have weekly company meetings, this might also be a good opportunity to introduce new employees. This allows you to establish initial contact between new and current staff members.

Productive Employees, From Day One

Do you have organizational chaos leading up to a new employee’s first day? Missing equipment? Haphazard files? Having a structured onboarding process helps ensure that your employees can get off to a good start. Our checklist is here to help.

What If New Employees Are Not At Company Meetings?

However, not all employees may be present at company meetings or at their desks while you’re giving company tours. Usually, personal introductions happen so quickly that it isn’t possible to remember many of those new faces.

This is where an organizational chart or an introduction email can help. Here are both options in greater detail:

  • If you opt for an organizationalchart, you can create a visual image of your staff structure and make it available to every employee. This way, they can always check to see if there are newcomers. Organizational charts can be created in PowerPoint or in an HR software program (if you are already using one).
  • Another option is to use an introductionemail. To be sure that all current employees are informed about new staff members, this should be emailed to the entire team. You’ll not only be introducing your new employees and providing information about them, but you’ll be sharing a warm welcome, too.

This is not to say that you should only choose one option or the other. There is an incredible amount of value in having a staff structure or organizational chart handy for reference. An introduction email can open the door, but it is a one-time affair, and in concert with an organizational chart can ensure staff members are on the same page, always.

How Do You Write A New Employee Introduction Email?

No one expects an introductory email to read like a novel.

On the contrary, the email should be short and personal while making all of the information visible at a glance. Using bullet points to highlight the most important information is completely fine when introducing new colleagues, too.

Here are the most important components, followed by our helpful sample templates:



You can address the introduction email to both the new employees and the entire team. It depends on your preference:

  • Do you want to introduce new employees to their colleagues?
  • Or, would you prefer to speak directly to the new employee(s)?

Overall, it doesn’t matter which option you choose. In both cases, you will be sending the email either to the entire team or to selected departments (and not just to an individual recipient).


As they say: a picture says a thousand words! By including a photo, you give a face to the new employee’s name. This helps current staff build a connection between the two, providing a cue to quickly remember new employees.

Name, Title, Department

This information might seem basic, but it is imperative. It will help your current employees understand where new colleagues fit into the company structure.

Previous Experience

Should you include where new employees have worked before? Sometimes, companies like to play it close to the vest or rely on new employees to share where they have worked with their entire time.

This helps current employees contextualize colleagues in a professional sense. But, rarely will a new colleague have the entire company as an audience to share where they have been and what they have learned.

So, it helps to provide a bit of information to tell a new employee’s story about where they have been. Try and answer some of the following (where it makes sense):

  • Where has the new employee worked before?
  • What positions have they held?
  • Is it possible that they have worked with similar people?

Personal Information

It also helps to include a smattering of personal details. This could include a new employee’s hometown, hobbies, or favorite travel destinations. This helps your staff get to know their new colleague beyond their title, making it easier for them to start up a casual conversation (especially in the first few weeks).

From an onboarding perspective, this also helps your new employee. They will feel a bit less pressure to strike up conversations or to try and relate with new colleagues, as their colleagues will already know enough about them to start a conversation of their own. It results in smoother, friendlier, and more effective connections.

How do you get this kind of information easily? This is an area where HR software can help. You can make questions like these a task in the onboarding process and then incorporate the answers directly into the introduction email.

Contact Information

Conclude an introductory email by providing contact information for the new colleague. This way, current staff get all of the most important information in one single message.

Who Should Send A New Employee Introduction Email?

Even though an HR Manager should be handling the process, the introduction email should come from your CEO. This shows new employees that they are not only valued by their own team and the HR department, but also by top management.

Anotherplus: More people are likely to read an email if it comes from the CEO. This helps ensure that everyone is getting the message and that they don’t simply file it away.

Software To Ensure A Smooth Onboarding

Using Personio, you can seamlessly structure the entire onboarding process from start to finish. Our reminder feature and to-do lists help new employees get off to a rewarding start from their very first day.

Introduction Email To Colleagues Templates

As mentioned previously in this article, we have put together a collection of introductory emails to new colleagues for you to use in your own company. We have outlined three distinct approaches you can take, feel free to try each of these out to see which is most effective for your team(s)…

Template 1: The Personal Approach

New user introduction example

Dear Team,

Today, our new colleague, John Smith, is starting as an Account Executive with the Sales Team.


A few fun facts about John:

Where are you from originally?

What do you like to do in your spare time?
Hiking, swimming, and playing basketball

What is your favorite genre of music?
A huge variety of different things – and whatever’s playing on the radio

We are happy to have you here, John, and we hope you get off to a fantastic start!
James and the OurSampleCompany Team

Template 2: The Formal Approach

Dear Team,

Today, our new colleague, John Smith, is starting as an Account Executive with the Sales Team.


John comes to us with many years of sales experience and will help us take some giant steps towards achieving our corporate goals as a PositionTitle within our team.

We are delighted that he is joining us, and we wish him a great start.

New User Introduction App

A warm welcome to you, John!
James and the OurSampleCompany Team

Template 3: The Direct Approach

Dear John,

Welcome to OurSampleCompany Inc.! We are very pleased that, as of today, you’ve become a member of our Sales Team.

We wish you all the best as you get started with us, and we look forward to working with you.

Kind regards
James and the OurSampleCompany Team

Useful Templates, Automated Processes, More Effective HR

Even with templates, introduction emails can become a time-consuming task. Manually personalizing them and sending them out can take hours. But, with HR software, the effort can be reduced, because the entire process is automated.

Reddit New User Introduction

At Personio, introduction emails are sent as a standard element of onboarding. All new employees are given a task to upload a photo of themselves on their first day.

In addition, our HR department came up with five questions that new colleagues are invited to answer about themselves. Once both tasks have been completed, an introduction email will automatically be sent to all colleagues on behalf of our CEO.

This entire process is streamlined and automated to make it easier both for employees and for our HR department to help introduce new colleagues to their teams (and the team at large). It’s easily done within Personio, and we can help do the same for your organization. Book your own demo to save time and focus on strategic HR.

New User Introduction Software

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11-12-2020, 08:40 PM - 3 Likes #1
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Posts: 1
New user introduction
Hello everyone,
I've been using the lens review section of this forum for a while and I'm feeling guilty not sharing... so here I am.
I'm a proud owner Pentax since 2004, my first one was a Optio 550 that my dad 'lent' me.
I got my first Kx in 2011 and loved it. In 2014 I got my first manual lens and fall in love with shooting manual.
Unfortunately I lost my Kx (along with a very clean 50/1.4) in a restaurant in 2015 and switched to the Sony A7 system (I know. sorry.)
But I really missed the 50/1.4 and I bought another Kx in 2017 mainly to shoot manual.
In 2018 when I was looking through local sales I accidentally bought a complete set of 35mm film camera, an ME Super.
I've been shooting 35mm on it since then, and owned a few more SMC lens.
I own a few SMCs, 28/3.5, 50/2, 50/1.4, 50/1.7, 75-150/4, Takumar 135/2.5 (Bayonet, not the good one), Super-Tamukar 135/3.5, Tele-Takumar 300/6.3, and a CZJ 50/2.8. I also shoot a lot with a Vivitar 21/3.8.
And I mainly shoot them on my sony system or the 35mm ME super.
Attached Images
11-12-2020, 09:12 PM #2
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Location: Wairarapa, New Zealand
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11-12-2020, 09:12 PM #3

Location: Carleton Place, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 682
11-12-2020, 09:25 PM #4
Otis Memorial Pentaxian

Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 7,392
Hi from Australia. Very good 1st images, and looking forward to seeing more.
11-12-2020, 10:21 PM #5
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Location: NJ
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11-12-2020, 10:29 PM #6
Loyal Site Supporter

Posts: 18,093
I like the shot of the kids with the bubble, but at first the illusion it have me was that he was on a roof reaching too far... Then I saw that it was optical compression and a hillside. Phew!
11-13-2020, 02:19 AM #7

Location: Venice, CA
Welcome to the Forums. And perhaps you'll find a few more MF lenses in the Marketplace
11-13-2020, 04:22 AM #8
Seeker of Knowledge

Location: Topeka, Kansas
Posts: 20,398
Originally posted by cronopio
. . . I bought another Kx in 2017. . . .In 2018 when I was looking through local sales I accidentally bought a complete set of 35mm film camera, an ME Super.. . . the 35mm ME super.
welcome to the forums
you will find friendly members and a lot of knowledge here:
K X or K - x ?
The Pentax ME Super improved upon the original ME by introducing two push buttons on the top plate allowing the user to electronically dial in the desired shutter speed, giving him or her much more flexibility when shooting manually. This design was later carried over to the ME F (Pentax's first autofocus camera) and the Super A (which could set the aperture automatically and hence provided Tv and Program automation in addition to the Av and M exposure modes of the ME Super).
Other improvements over the ME was a faster top shutter speed of 1/2000 s and a warning light in the view finder when EV compensation was engaged.
PENTAX ME Super: The original
PENTAX ME Super SE: A 'Special Edition' version was released in later years, featuring a diagonal split screen rather than a horizontal one

Read more at: Pentax ME Super - Pentax Manual Focus Film SLRs - Pentax Camera Reviews and Specifications
love the photos, thanks for posting them
Last edited by aslyfox; 11-13-2020 at 04:30 AM.
11-13-2020, 05:57 AM #9

Location: Cotton fields of South Georgia
Posts: 2,743
11-13-2020, 06:39 AM #10
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Location: Riga
11-14-2020, 02:02 AM #11
PEG Moderator

Location: Hielands o' Scootlund
Posts: 50,804
Welcome to the forum from the Highlands of Scotland
11-14-2020, 09:58 AM #12

Location: People's Republic of America
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11-14-2020, 10:59 AM #13
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Location: Rome, Italy
Welcome to the forums!!
11-14-2020, 05:10 PM #14
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Posts: 167
11-14-2020, 07:57 PM #15
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Posts: 323
Welcome back to Pentax. I think it is an ideal brand for anyone who wants to shoot digital manually.
Love the photos, especially the little guy with the bubbles.
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Tags - Make this thread easier to find by adding keywords to it!
35mm, kx, lens, sony, system

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New User Introduction Pdf