Simplified Signup Process

Simplifying Sign Up. The purpose of every sign up form is to get users to complete it successfully and send it in. However, when users have to fill out a long and complicated sign up form, it can turn their excitement for your website into displeasure. Here are a few innovative techniques that’ll make your forms faster and easier to fill out. 3- Process standardization One of the most objective ways to simplify organizational processes is to standardize recurring and identical processes. For example: Imagine a law firm. It has several different processes, each with distinct tasks and activities and their peculiarities, depending on the instance, cause, etc.

The CRA recently introduced a simplified process to allow employees in certain cases to claim home office expenses. About 1/2 of charities in Canada have employees so this will be helpful for them. Also, many volunteers have day jobs and will benefit from this. In short, this simplified procedure will only apply to employees that worked from home at least 50% of the time over a period of 4 consecutive weeks in 2020, it is capped at $400 maximum and it provides $2 deduction for each day the employee worked from home. There is still available the “detailed” method which may be better for some employees where the employer signs a form.

Here is the announcement that we received from CRA below.

English version *** La version française suit ***

Introducing a simplified process for claiming the home office expenses for Canadians working from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic

This year has been filled with unprecedented challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many Canadians unexpectedly had to work from home which resulted in millions of Canadians setting up their work space in their kitchens, bedrooms and living rooms.

In response, the Honourable Diane Lebouthillier, Minister of National Revenue, provided today additional details on how the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has made the home office expenses deduction available to more Canadians, and simplified the way employees can claim these expenses on their personal income tax return for the 2020 tax year. Employees with larger claims for home office expenses can still choose to use the existing detailed method to calculate their home office expenses deduction.

Employees who worked from home more than 50% of the time over a period of a least four consecutive weeks in 2020 due to COVID-19 will now be eligible to claim the home office expenses deduction for 2020. The use of a shorter qualifying period will ensure that more employees can claim the deduction than would otherwise have been possible under longstanding practice.

A new temporary flat rate method will allow eligible employees to claim a deduction of $2 for each day they worked at home in that period, plus any other days they worked from home in 2020 due to COVID-19 up to a maximum of $400. Under this new method, employees will not have to get Form T2200 or Form T2200S completed and signed by their employer.

To simplify the process for employees choosing the detailed method, the CRA launched today simplified forms (Form T2200S and Form T777S) and a calculator designed specifically to assist with the calculation of eligible home office expenses.

For more information on working from home expenses go to

Quick Facts

  • Home office expenses can be claimed as a deduction on an employee’s personal income tax return. Deductions reduce the amount of income they pay tax on.
  • For those using the detailed method to calculate their home office expenses, the CRA has expanded the list of eligible expenses that can be claimed to include home internet access fees. A comprehensive list of all eligible expenses is available online.
  • According to Statistics Canada, “Working from home continues to be an important adaptation to COVID-19 health risks, with 2.4 million Canadians who do not normally work from home doing so in October.”
  • The CRA engaged many stakeholders in the fall of 2020 about the simplified Form T2200 and work-space-in-the-home expenses prior to introducing these temporary measures. For more information, go to the Backgrounder – Consultation on the simplification of Form T2200.
  • The new temporary flat rate method to calculate the deduction for home office expenses was announced on November 30th in the Fall Economic Statement.

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To receive updates on what is new at the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), you can:

  • Like the CRA on Facebook

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Purpose: FEMA may provide funding to eligible applicants for costs related to emergency protective measures conducted as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Emergency protective measures are activities conducted to address immediate threats to life, public health, and safety. Eligible Applicants may submit funding requests to the Recipient and FEMA through the Public Assistance Grants Portal.

Applicants: state, local, tribal and territorial governments, or eligible private nonprofits, submitting a request for assistance under a recipient’s federal award.

Recipients: states, tribes, or territories that receive and administer Public Assistance awards.

Recipients should work through their FEMA regional point of contacts to make sure that the following forms/paperwork have been filled out before applying for a grant:

Account creation, or “sign up”, is vital to many web businesses - yet it’s a pain for most web users. Here’s 9, 12, 17, 19 ways to simplify your sign up process and make it more user-friendly. 1) Use my e-mail address as account identifier Dropbox only asks for your e-mail and then simply uses that as your username too. This process can take months. For Johnson, the entire process lasted 94 days, from first congressional action to Senate acquittal, lasted from February 22, 1868 to May 26, 1868. For Richard Nixon. Volunteer sign up sheets can easily get misplaced or lost, creating a breakdown in communication and workflow. However, thanks to systems such as VolunteerHub, your volunteer coordinator can manage registrations in a secure, cloud-based volunteer management software platform.

  • FEMA-State/Tribal/Territorial Agreements,
  • Signed Federal Grant Applications (SF-424),
  • Updated Recipient Public Assistance (PA) Administrative Plans.

FEMA has simplified the process so you can apply for assistance online through the Public Assistance Grants Portal. To apply for a grant online please follow this process:

1. Recipients attend virtual applicant briefing

  • Those interested in attended a briefing should contact state, local, tribal and territorial governments.

2. Log on and create account at Public Assistance (PA) Grants Portal3. Submit a Request for Public Assistance (RPA)4. Submit a COVID-19 Streamlined Project Application5. FEMA and Recipient review documents6. Applicant Signs Project7. Receive funding through Recipient

FEMA reviews information you have submitted online including work activities, costs, and supporting documentation and may contact you if we have any questions. You can log-in to Grants Portal see the progress of your grant at any time.

Simplified Sign Up Process Flowchart

Applicants who have questions about the process should reach out to state, local, tribal and territorial governments.

Related Links



*This fact sheet has been updated for clarity on April 14, 2020

Simplified Sign Up Process Meaning
